Plugin Trouble Shooting

This plugin works for fine me and many other users so before asking for help because it won’t work for you have you done all of the following?

  • Read and followed the installation instructions.
  • Activated the plugin and checked for conflicts with other plugins by deactivating them and over a period reactivating them until something stops working.
  • Implemented a WordPress Page so the plugin works.
  • Defined S2PAGE (line 43) to the page number of the page you created.
  • Checked that the host of your WordPress blog allows mail to be sent using sendmail and does not block large numbers of emails.
  • Checked that your host does not restrict outgoing emails in anyway.
  • Checked that the emails have not been marked as spam by email clients.
  • The WordPress Support Forums for identical or similar problems (and hopefully solutions).

If all of the above has failed to remedy your problem please contact me with as much detail as possible (WP and plugin versions and a description of the problem) and I will try to help.

Please remember this plugin is provided free and writing plugins is not my “day job”. I will help if I can but I cannot possibly know everything about the individual setup of your site, domain and servers.

141 thoughts on “Plugin Trouble Shooting

  1. Just wanted you to know there is an issue with subscribe2 and Exec-PHP. Exec-PHP will still work but subscribe will not show any forms essentially it will not replace the when Exec-PHP is enabled.

    Couldn’t find the conflict myself, but it would be great to hear if you come up with a solution. Thanks.

  2. I’ve tried Exec-PHP 3.0 on my local test installation. It appears to work okay with the Plugin itself but stops the Widget working.

    I’ll look into the Widget problem, and I suggest people who want to use both plugins upgrade to Exec-PHP 3.0 to minimise problems with the plugin.


    A small patch to the Widget code appears to fix this issue.

    Loom for the following line:

    $content = apply_filters(‘the_content’, ‘<p><!–subscribe2–></p>’);

    and replace it with:

    $content = apply_filters(‘the_content’, ‘<!–subscribe2–>’);

    I’ll update the Widget Download later today.

  3. Hi Matt…. I’m still having trouble getting the plugin to work. Non-widget version, on WP 2.0.4, wp sends mail normally to the admin addy for comment moderation etc.

    The main problems: when registering, users receive no messages on-page such as “A confirmation message is on its way!”; users receive no email requesting they confirm registration; user email is not added to the list (this is public user setup rather than registered users, btw). Submission of an already registered email address does display the “To manage subscription options please login.” message and link. And being logged in displays the “Manage subscription options in your profile.” message and link.

    I tried the SMTP plugin; didn’t change anything as listed above. Can you think of anything else I can try? As spacey as I’ve been lately with clients coming out my ears, it could be something really simple I’ve missed. Thanks!

  4. Hi Matt….

    I don’t have any setup to deal with svn…. unless it’s simply a copy n paste rather than an svn client. I’ll take a look.

    As to “not disappearing into spam filters” – since the attempts to register are from various of my own emails while not logged in, I know they’re not being eaten by spam traps….

  5. Hi Matt –

    Okay, the svn from trac fixed that. Amazing! Things never normally work like that for me…. only thing I’m finding odd now is that once the confirmation email on it’s way message arrives, clicking on the “confirm this subscription” link dumps one out to a 404 page.

    I’m assuming there’s somewhere in the code to tweak that?

  6. One more note: the email addy is submitted, and shows in the “unconfirmed subscribers” section. Sending a reminder email provides the same click-to-confirm link (logically), and returns the same 404 page when clicked. The subscriber can be confirmed manually.

    Don’t know if all that’s of any help/value…. if you want me to try code tweaks, etc. I’m okay with that.

  7. Can you post on of the subscription links for me. Either that or point me to your subscription page – I need to figure out why your links aren’t working as mine certainly are.

  8. vkaryl,

    It looks like you are using permalinks – can you update the permalink structure in WordPress and see if that helps.

    If that doesn’t fix things, can you de-activate all other plugins and see if it starts to work. If it does than re-activate one at a time until things break.

  9. Hi Matt –

    Well, was my fault of course! After downloading the version from trac (which fixed the no-mail problems originally), I subsequently forgot to change the page id in line 43…. sorry for the bother, and thanks so much for helping! It all seems to be working correctly now.

  10. how do i check that “the host of your WordPress blog allows mail to be sent using sendmail and does not block large numbers of emails”?

  11. Frank,

    You can check the terms and conditions and the services provided by your provider, email them and ask if they don´t make it clear and as a final option try the plugin becuase it may just work!

    Not many providers clamp things down so tightly that the plugin fails. (So far anyway!)

  12. Hi,

    The plugin don’t send digest email for public subscribers, only for registered subscriber. I use the last version (2.28), and the “shift this smtp…” plugin.

    I was reading all the faq and everything else but didn’t find anything similar.

    Thanks for your help.


  13. Sergio,

    Are you saying that you have registered subscribers and public subscribers but only the registered ones get digest emails?

    There is no reason for this in the code as a single email is sent with all of the email addresses for registered and public users in one Bcc: header.

    How many public subscribers do you have and are they all confirmed? Check in Manage -> Subscribers

  14. You might want to make a mention of the “Dreamhost” batching option in the “Emails Not Sent Out” post of 20 Nov. My host was zapping anything over 10 recipients per message, but I didn’t realize this as I tested it with a smaller # of recipients initially. I’d make this possibility more clear in the troubleshooting so that folks have a better idea on a potential fix, because I completely overlooked it.

  15. I am using the latest plugin for subscribe2 2.2.9 I am also using wordpress 2.0.4.

    My problem is that when my subscribers receive the post emails, sometimes there is no link to take them to the post.

    Looks like this(no link):

    universe K: The portfolio of Kevin Myers has posted a new item, ‘Happy New
    Meggdon the Dragon
    Description: I created this guy as part of the Gimmick Dragon series that
    Joshua Janes and I will be running over at Meggdon is a dragon of
    the apocalypse when he arrives the end is here. Created in Adobe Illustrator
    and Photoshop.


  16. This is what it says exactly…

    BLOGNAME has posted a new item, ‘TITLE’
    You may view the latest post at
    You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are posted.
    Best regards,

  17. Kevin,

    Very strange and I don’t think you are the first to experience this. Can you let me know if tere are any consistant factors that re-produce this issue so I can start to track it down.

  18. Kevin,

    I’ve managed to figure this issue out 🙂 I’ll fix it in the next release but for the time being..

    Find line 453 of the code:

    $words = explode(‘ ‘, $plaintext, $excerpt_length + 1);

    And change this line to read:

    $words = explode(‘ ‘, $excerpt, $excerpt_length + 1);

    USE STRAIGHT QUOTES though, not the curly ones enforced on, I think that should fix things up nicely.

  19. I’ve just installed Subscribe2 on my blog. A new user can submit their e-mail address, and they receive a confirmation e-mail with a link to confirm their subscription. But when they click that link and it returns them to the page, the empty signup box still appears – it doesn’t actually confirm their subscription and they are not signed up.

    Please can you help? Have I missed something? Thanks!

  20. June,

    I’ve had a look at your site and managed to get it working by messing around with the link URL. It looks like you’ve got some mod_rewrite stuff going on affecting the plugin.

    Look in the plugin code for a line as follows:

    $link = get_settings(‘siteurl’) . “?s2=”;

    And replace it with:

    $link = “”;

  21. Hey. After installing subscribe2 my main page has stopped working propersly and only displays the content until the start of the content of the first post. i am running an adsense plugin on all pages, but i had no problems until now. any advice?


  22. I am using WordPress in a non-standard way, and bypassing the theme system. I have WP_USE_THEMES=0 and then I call wp-blog-header.php (and then the loop).

    Right now, the plugin doesn’t catch the place holder. What should I do in order to use the plugin in my situation?

    Any help much appreciated. (You will have understood that my knowledge of WP is not extremely deep.)


  23. May,

    I must say I am surprised that if say you have knowledge of WP that is not extremely deep but you are managing to not use themes!!

    I don’t know how much you understand of WordPress but subscribe2 relies on the_content being called. Now, the_content must be called from within the_loop so you should be able to call the function in your code if you are calling the_loop.

    As to exactly how you would do this is really going to be down to you to crack as I won’t be able to re-produce the code you are using on your site and test this with any ease,

  24. Dear Admin,

    Thanks! Your help allowed me to solve it.

    PS: I am familiar with programming, but I know nothing about WP. I just had a look at the Codex and used bits of information there to hack a blog-style thread into an existing, complex website. It kind of works 🙂 One day I will read more documentation to know what I am doing 🙂

  25. Ouch, actually it doesn’t work, because Pages don’t work in my setup (I had tested the plugin with a Post, but I realize Pages are necessary for the confirmation link in your design). So I need to solve the problem with Pages (nothing to do with your plugin). When I manage to do this, I will be able to test your plugin.

    PS: love that minute smiley in the footer 🙂

  26. Me again 🙂
    I ended up modifying your plugin so that it works in a Post, too (very simple).

    I’m having another problem now: in the text, summary email (the only one I’ve tried so far), paragraphs in the post are separated by 4 line breaks, making the email unreadable. Any idea why, and how I could correct it? Thanks.

  27. May,

    I presume you are talking about the digest emails. It may be that your host is using Windows so look for a line that reads:

    $message .= $excerpt . “\r\n\r\n”;

    And change it to:

    $message .= $excerpt . “\r\n”;

  28. Nope, I’m not referring to “digest” emails. I have only tested the messages delivered to an anonymous user (not registered with the blog), so that would be a “plaintext summary email”. If I have written my WP post as:

    “Paragraph 1

    Paragraph 2”

    it appears in the email as:

    “Paragraph 1

    Paragraph 2”

    (4 line breaks instead of 2)

    Note that single line breaks in the email templates defined in the admin area are also replaced by double line breaks. And, my host uses Unix. Any idea?

  29. BTW: I use WordPress 2.0.5, and my only plug-in beside subscribe2 is wordTube(version 1.40).

  30. i use WP 2.1 and have the non-widget Subscribe2.3 plugin activated. I created a page on my site, for users to use to subscribe. It sends out confirmation emails fine, but then never sends emails after posts are made. I haven’t found anything in any support forums that sounds like this. I contacted my host, bluehost, and was told that all of my email stuff is fine on their end. Thanks for your help!

  31. I think this may be because of some of your blog settings. Your blog URL is but your subscription email is coming from

    Many servers block sending of email from other domains to prevent spam – do you have an email on the liberalcollegekids domain? Try using that as your admin email, otherwise try using the SMTP Mailer Plugin to push your mail through an SMTP server elsewhere.

  32. I am not getting the token to be processed. I can embed it manually or by clicking on the S2 button, but when I pull up the subscription page, the comment is not processed — I can see it in the source.

    Any ideas?

  33. Chris,

    Make sure the token is on a line by itself with no spaces before or after. If that doesn’t work post your URL and I’ll take a look.

  34. THANKS! That was it. Is that general token voodoo – “on a line by itself with no spaces before or after” — or specific to subscribe2?

    (Side note: It’s exactly this level of simplicity I was looking for, for public subscribers. I’d thought about Twitter, but their signup process is pretty onerous for my audience.)

  35. Chris,

    It’s probably just Subscribe2, It’ll be something in the regular expression I use to locate the token and swap it for the form. I’ve never had time to play around and figure out a better expression that would avoid this issue though 😦

  36. I need to send only an excerpt via email. This will make recipients go to the website and log in to actually read the whole thing. I know that is a bit different from how others do it. This is a private site and only registered users should be able to see the whole post. I want to stop the forwarding of emails to non-registered users.

    I figured out how to modify this plug-in to remove the HTML option, so my users have to subscribe to the Plain Text version. I can’t figure out how to hide the Full Post option.

    Alternatively if there was a way to set this in the Role Manager, that would work as well.

    WP 2.0.9

  37. Joan,

    I don’t think Role Manager will help you, if you are registered at any level then you an access the three default posting levels.

    Without knowing how you removed the HTML option I can’t really point you in the right direction for reoving the Full Post functionality.

    If I were you I’d be looking at removing the options available yo your logged in users by editing the code in the user_menu function of the code.

  38. I “removed” the html option by putting the // in front of the following lines –

    //echo “/> ” . __(‘HTML’, ‘subscribe2’) .”   “;

    I’m sure there is a better way to do it, but I am not a coder and this was the best I could figure out.

    If I am “looking at the options available to my logged in users” how would that change the way the email is sent out? Anything in particular I should be looking for?

  39. Joan,

    If the option is not there to choose your subcribers can’t select that type of email. You need to comment out from around line 1497 to 1518.

    you can block comment out by using /* at the beginning and */ at the end.

  40. Wow – fast reply! So this will leave the excerpt box there, but remove the full post one?

    BTW – What happens if they don’t choose anything? is there a default? is there a way to set a default?

    Thanks for telling me the correct way to comment this out – I am learning more everyday!

    You’re the best! I am off to work right now (7am), but will play with this when I get home.

  41. Joan,

    I think the amends I suggest would remove all options because you are basically only going to have one option anyway – excerpt plain text.

    Under Options->Subscribe2 you can set newly registering users to default to plain text excerpt and public subscribers only ever get this type of email.

  42. Everything seemed to go well…but the message came through full text. I tried setting up a new account – but it would not send it any email – full or excerpt.

    I have the following set in the Options->Subscribe2
    Automatically subscribe new users registering with your blog. – Yes
    Auto-subscribe users to receive email as: Plain Text – Excerpt

  43. Second message finally arrived – full text. at least it sent something 🙂

  44. Hi,

    I’ve problem with get Subscribe2 working! Token <!–subscribe2–> is not replaced by form and still exists in html source!
    In my html source I’ve:



    <!– entrytext –>

    Third line is: (SPACE)(TAB)<!–subscribe2–>

    I was browing your php source and found you are using “preg_match” function to find the token. I’ve also found this: Look at the
    first comment about php 5.2.X and above. I’m using PHP 5.2.0-8+etch3.
    What do you think about it?



  45. Piotr,

    The source of your page is as follows:

    <p> <!–subscribe2–></p>

    You need to removed the space or tab between the paragraph tag and the token.

  46. Hello,
    Thanks for the plugin!
    Question: The email subject says: “[] Weekly Digest Email”. How do I change it to “Sure Foods Living Update”? I see where there is a line in the file that says $subject = ‘[‘ . stripslashes(get_settings(‘blogname’)) . ‘] ‘ . $display . ‘ ‘ . __(‘Digest Email’, ‘subscribe2’);
    How do I replace – I just don’t want to screw something up!

  47. Hi everyone,

    I just installed this plugin and the widget, but Im a bit confused…

    Do I need to open up subscribe2.php and actually put in the page number of the subscribe page i made in there? if so

    is it this line: (where the ‘0’ is?)

    // when displaying the confirmation screen to public subscribers.
    // You can override this by specifying a page ID on the line below.
    define(‘S2PAGE’, ‘0’);

    Also, in the options and email templates, where it says blog name etc, do I have to put all that info in, or does it pick it up automatically?

    If you need to have a look I have the widget activated at
    Many Thanks


  48. hmm..

    I dont seem to be getting any confirmation emails after someone has subscribed either, and when i click on manage subscribers, in admin i get these database errors:

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘master_wrdp1.wp_subscribe2′ doesn’t exist]
    SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wp_subscribe2 WHERE active=’1’

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘master_wrdp1.wp_subscribe2′ doesn’t exist]
    SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wp_subscribe2 WHERE active=’0’

    I dont usually have any troubles with plugin, ( i love this plugin) just cant seem to get it going:S…


  49. Hi,

    I was just about to put in an update:) wot great timing you have..

    Thanks for lightning fast reply, I just found the code about 10 mins ago, and changed it and that sorted out the database issues. But for some reason, Im still not receiving any confirmation emails.

    I’ve been using my own email address to test it, and logged out, then subscribed, but theres nothing coming through and theres no spam blockers operating, so Im not sure whats happening there..


  50. Hi Again.

    I just checked in my cpanel, and it seems my hosting etc, does allow send mail. I found this in the cpanel.

    Path to sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail

    Also, other mail from my blog comes through ok

    I downloaded the subscribe2.php from the trac site, and put it my page id ’14’ and updated my permalinks, but still not getting any confirmation email.

    Do you think Im best waiting for a whilte for the new release? my site is a little off completion yet anyway, but this is such a great plugin I really really want to get it working.



  51. Martin,

    I’m not sure which version of WordPress you are using but make sure you are using the right version of Subscribe2 for your WordPress install.

    Also, I’ve been on 3 different hosts with cpanel showing sendmail paths – they still had restrictions in place for the sending of emails! The place the limits behind the scenes. Check with your host about their imposed limits.

  52. HI.

    I recently upgraded to wp 2.2 and I downloaded the latest version of subscribe2 Subscribe2 3.4, but then I downloaded the one from the trac site, as I read this fixed others who were having a similar problem.

    I will email the hosters and ask them also.

    I just installed the swift smtp plugin, but still no joy.

    I have subscribe to comments installed, and wp_email and receive mails ok from them but the next step is to try deactivating them and see if that helps.

    Thanks for this


  53. Martin,

    Use the version you can dwnload from this site then apply the patch I directed you to above.

    Also, in answer to your first comment that was stuck in moderation:

    Yes, you do define the page on the line you identified.

    Yes, the plugin automatically picks up items like BLOGNAME and replaces them.

  54. Hiya,

    ok, I tried that but still wasnt having any luck, so I installed a new wordpress 2.1 on anther domain just to test the plugins and they seem to work ok, so it looks like its something to do with my present theme and probably the fact I messed around with it so much..

    I dont know now whether to install a new WP 2.1 or 2.2 hmm.. I used the latest version of your subscribe2 on 2.1 and it worked..:)


    I will keep you posted!

    Thanks for all your help!


  55. Martin,

    I’m not sure what will happen to WordPress 2.1.x now that 2.2 is out. There is a committment to support 2.0.x for a while but I have a feeling that 2.1.x will be dropped in favour of the 2.2 branch now.

    2.2 does introduce phpMailer into the core code of WordPress and this may be causing your probelm however. Again, this is something your hosting provider will be able to help with as they should be able to tell you where and why your emails are being blocked.

  56. Hi!

    I am using WP 2.0.4 with K2. I just started using the K2 module to get Subscribe2 to show up in the sidebar – and it works! I’m so happy since I didn’t hold out much hope – I’m also running Podpress, which has been known to have conflicts with Subscribe2. Anyways, it works, so that’s great.

    I have three (very minor) comments:

    1. I tested it via a yahoo email address. When I went to the email to click on the subscription link, for some reason, it only hyperlinked the first part of the link, before the question mark (?). That’s probably an email client thing because I fwded the email to gmail and gmail hyperlinked it correctly. Sometimes subscription emails have language like “if your email software doesn’t allow you to click on this link, then copy this text below and paste it in the address bar of your web browser” or something like that. Might be helpful for the less web-savvy subscribers-which, if you think about it, is the purpose of having email subscriptions in addition to RSS which might scare some less techy people away. I’m not sure how you would add that , though.

    2. After I pasted the link into a browser, it sent me to a page called “Subscription Confirmation” that said “You have successfully subscribed!” I had defined S2PAGE, so I expected to be sent to that. However, “Subscription Confirmation” was linked to the permalink for the page I had defined as my S2PAGE. So… I’m confused. What did I do wrong?

    3. One more thing – it’s great being able to put this in a page, and now in the sidebar. But what about somewhere else? How do I put it in my header? How do I put it in the space between the post and the comments on a single post? Could that be accomplished by a line of php? Or how could I put it on a non-WP page, to drive both subscriptions and traffic? Thanks!

    All in all, this plugin is EXCELLENT! It offers way more options than any of the “blog to email” services out there, even the paid ones! I love it, and I can’t wait to upgrade when I go WP 2.1!

  57. Rudiegirl,

    In answer to your questions:

    1. As you rightly point out this is most probably down to email clients not handling URLs very well. You can amend the emails sent via Subscribe2 in Options -> Subscribe2. The template for the confirmation emails is the second one. You could add your message about copying and pasting the link into this template. Take care not to removed the words in capitals as these are substituted for information by the plugin.

    2. I see you’ve figured this on out.

    3. If you really want the dynamic Subscribe2 content in posts as well as ages simply add the token into you post. You could add it into your header too if you really wanted to but as it’s a dynamic output it is likely to make a real mess of your site presentation. If you wanted to do this reading the Widget code would be a good place to start.

  58. Is there a quick way to temporarily stop emails being sent?

    I need to so a lot of maintenance on some old posts that have become corrupted and don’t want my subscribers annoyed by a deluge of mail.


  59. the mails that i sent out to the subcribers looks totally messed up with a lot of html tags. like this:

    [Seriegrossisten] Klart för Superman 2Seriegrossisten har uppdaterat sin hemsida, ‘Klart för Superman 2’Du kan titta på den senaste posten här: direkt här: Stålmannen och Lex Luthor drabbar samman igen.Titeln: Superman: Man of Steel.Brandon Routh återvänder i titelrollen. Nu har även Kevin Spacey lämnat klartecken för att återvända som hans ärkerival. Premiären blir dock först 2009.

    why is that?

    The post that I automatically recieve as admin looks fine. Only no pictures is shown.

    Please help me….

  60. that didn’t work… wordpress is not showing the tags…. hmm…

    anyway.. it shows a lot of html tag instead of making them html…
    like this but without the spaces…

    [Seriegrossisten] Klart för Superman 2: Seriegrossisten har uppdaterat sin hemsida, ‘Klart för Superman 2’

  61. Mathias,

    Apologies about the site messing up your comment tags but I get the idea.

    Anyway, the issue is caused by the wp_mail function in WordPress 2.2. Replaces the 3 instances of wp_mail with mail in the subscribe2.php file and you should be fine.

  62. Is it possible to have subscribers automatically subscribed to newly created categories (i.e. without them having to select the option)?

  63. Ruler,

    That would depend on the version you are using, but in the latest version just choose to Automatically subscribe newly registering users in the Options->Subscribe2 panel.

  64. Thank you, admin, I just upgraded to 3.7. I do have that option selected. When a new user registers all the categories that have a post in them show as subscribed to in that user’s subscriptions panel. However, when a first post is made to an existing category (that did not show in the user’s subscription panel because there was no post in it) that category now shows up in the user’s subscription panel, but as unchecked. And therefore no users receive notification of posts in categories that didn’t already contain posts.

  65. Ruler,

    This is an issue with the existing WordPress functions that deal with categories. There is nothing I can do about this in the current version of WordPress but hopefully things will be easier when WordPress 2.3 is release (scheduled for 1 month).

  66. Also, (although this part doesn’t affect what I want to do) an admin cannot exclude the first post in a category that an admin otherwise wanted to exclude because the category does not show as an option to be checked in the admin’s Excluded Categories options since it did not contain a post. The same goes for users and their Subscribed Categories options.

  67. I’m still testing, and my subscribers do not receive emails. The subscribed categories of one user I created do not become checked when new categories appear even though the “Automatically subscribe me to newly created categories” is selected. And with another user all categories are checked although he does not receive any emails. Admin does receive two identical emails per post though.

  68. Ruler,

    If some of your subscribers are not getting emails you need to check the email logs on your server or ask your host to check them for you.

    Your first issue about auto-subscriptions is still linked to the WordPress core category functions as detailed above.

  69. I checked the logs and the emails are not appearing. Using Manage -> Subscribers -> Categories I subscribed all existing registered users, but still only a couple users get emails (and is verified by the log files). I believe that the database table usermeta is supposed to contain s2_cat[catnum] for all subscribed categories for each user. Is this true? I don’t see that my subscribing action created them.

  70. Ruler,

    Those usermeta entries are correct but there should also be a string entry s2_subscribed containing a CSV string of subscribed categories for each user.

    This is all handled in the register() function.

  71. The s2_subscribed records appear to be correct, but none of the users get the notifications. The s2_cat records on the other hand do not appear to be all there. How do I subscribe everyone to all categories. I thought Manage -> Users -> Categories would do it, but it didn’t.

  72. Ruler,

    Can you confirm what version of WordPress you are using? I know yu are using Subscribe2 3.7.

    Also, are we talking about Registered users of your blog who would appear in a left justified column in Manage->Subscribers (not the middle and not the right).

  73. I’m using WP 2.1.2. Yes, in Firefox the registered users appear in the left column. (In IE they appear on the right. I guess that’s because I don’t have any other type.)

  74. Ruler,

    How many registered subscribers do you have in the drop down filter list (Manage->Options) and is the same number listed for each and every one of your categories?

  75. How many registered subscribers do you have in the drop down filter list (Manage->Options)? 20
    is the same number listed for each and every one of your categories? No.

  76. Ruler,

    If the number of users listed by Registered Subscribers is not equal to the number of users lists in each of your categories then that means some of your subscribers are not registered to all categories – this is why they won’t be getting email notifications for every post you make.

  77. I thought I subscribed all registered users to all categories. If I didn’t then how do I? See reply of Aug 13 1:46pm: “How do I subscribe everyone to all categories? I thought Manage -> Users -> Categories would do it, but it didn’t.”

  78. Ruler,

    In Manage -> Users make sure you’ve filtered the list for Registered Subscribers, then select all the categories in the list at the bottom of the page, make sure Subscribe is selected then click Submit.

    You should now see that the number of users listed under Registered Subscribers is the same as for the Category names you just selected.

  79. I have a slight problem.
    Im running wp 2.3.1 and while the plugin works how It should, it leaves this at the bottom of every one of my pages

    Warning: main() [function.main]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(../wp-config.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/missaly:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) in /home/missaly/public_html/senterpholdtype/wp-admin/install-helper.php on line 2

    Warning: main(../wp-config.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /home/missaly/public_html/senterpholdtype/wp-admin/install-helper.php on line 2

    Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘../wp-config.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/missaly/public_html/senterpholdtype/wp-admin/install-helper.php on line 2

    Im not that good at php (yet) and I would love to use your plugin. I’ve tried disabling all of my plugins and testing them one at a time with the subscribe plugin but it is this plugin that is causing that bit of coding (which shows on my main site as well as the admin side).

    any suggestions?

  80. Alyson,

    This is a known issue in the WordPress core files. The issue is fixed in the trunk version of WordPress and may be fixed in 2.3.2.

    In the meantime you could apply the same patch to your install and the error will disappear! 🙂

  81. I can send out “Email to subscibers” manually, but only I get it (a registered user). None of the Public Subscribers get it. And neither me nor any of the public subscribers get the per-post emails they used to get that they should get.
    Using WP 2.3.3 and Subscribe 2 4.4

  82. In Users –> Subscriptions, the only option I see is:

    Receive daily summary of new posts?: Yes No

    Where are the additional options so people can subscribe to specific categories? I’ve tried everything I can think of and it still doesn’t show up. Please help. I’m using WP 2.3.2 and Subscribe2 4.4

  83. Emma,

    You’ll need to check with your site host about email restrictions and ask them to look into the server logs. Emails are obviously being sent as you get it so the issue is email blocking on the server.

  84. Tpostuma,

    This is expected behaviour. Digest posts contain all posts aggregated together – with subscribers, categories and posts to contend with the plugin would kill your server very quickly if it tried to generate individual emails so digest posts are simply opt in or out.

  85. Hi,
    I am tailing the exim log as I send the email using the “Mail to Subscribers” screen. If I choose “Registered Subscribers”, mail is generated and gets delivered. If I choose “Public Subscribers”, nothing is generated in the mail log at all. So I don’t think the issue is that the email is being blocked by the server. It doesn’t get that far.

  86. Yes, I get that list. The email from “write->mail subscribers” doesn’t send to either confirmed or unconfirmed public subscribers. however, it does send the “do you want to confirm this subscription?” email out just fine if I add someone from the public side.

  87. Emma,

    That’s very strange because the list is built in exactly the same way as collecting emails for sending a notification from Write->Mail Subscribers.

    I know you exim log shows nothing but what about your apache log?

  88. Ok.

    Apache access log just shows that I post to the page: – – [07/Feb/2008:23:40:27 -0800] “POST /blog/wp-admin/post-new.php?page=subscribe2/subscribe2.php HTTP/1.1” 200 4597 “” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071127 Firefox/”

    Nothing in the Apache error logs.

    I did a test – I added another registered user with a different email and subscribed it to all the categories.

    Then I sent another test message to all registered subscribers, which was 2 now, the one I just added, and me.

    That *broke* it – the test no longer sent it to me OR the new user.

    So then I changed the email for the new user to be the same as for me, the main user.

    The email sent fine.

    Change the second user back – won’t sent to either of us.

    Tried the same test logged in as the second user, same results.

    SO basically it will only email when the only emails it has to send to are the same as the user who is sending its own email.

    The only thing weird about my server setup is that it rewrites the RETURN-PATH header line from to the FROM address, so that email won’t be rejected on the sole reason as being from nobody@ (some spam filters use that criteria).
    I can’t see how that would affect this, but maybe it does.

  89. Emma,

    Are the two test addresses on the same domain? Have you checked into the email logs on the server rather than the apache logs? Have you asked your host provider to confirm what email limitations they have in place?

  90. As I mentioned before, no email gets sent at all, so it doesn’t matter what is going on on the other end. No email gets created. The email logs were the first thing I checked – then I checked the Apache logs because you asked me to. Please see my other comments. I am the host provider (I own the server). There aren’t any limitations that should affect this.

  91. Emma,

    For the sake of clarity can you confirm that emails are sent if you only have one subscriber and fails for more than one subscriber? (By subscriber I mean distinct email addresses)

  92. No – not accurate.

    Test: User #1 is subscribed to category 1 and user #2 is not. No other registered subscribers.

    Send email to all subscribers of category 1 from user #1’s admin: sent OK
    Send email to all subscribers of category 1 from user #2’s admin: did not send. Even though there is only one email to send it to.

    Supports my conclusion that it is only sending if the only subscriber it has to send it to is the admin user itself.

  93. Emma,

    In Options->Subscribe2 do you have the plugin set to send the email from the blog admin or the post author. I’m guessing that you have it from the latter. Try setting it to blog admin.

  94. Hi – Subscribe2 is great. I have quick questions:
    1. There is extra vertical space in the sidebar between the subscribe2 title and the box for people to enter their email address… see

    Any thoughts about what is causing this and how to fix it?

    And 2. Subscriber confirmation and new post emails come from an email address that is a long string from my hosting company, i.e. as opposed to my actual/admin. email address. (The reply does go to that address).

    Any ways to change this?

    Thanks, Mike

  95. Emma,

    This is very weird. In the next release I am reverting to using wp_mail instead of directly accessing the php mail() function.

    You could try using wp_mail by replacing the 3 instances of @mail with @wp_mail in the subscribe2.php file.

  96. DrMike2008,

    The whitespace is for entry of an email address – all looks good on my browser.

    The confirmation emails look like they are having the header information replaced on the mail server – You’ll have to ask your hosting company about a solution to that as they should be coming from your admin account.

  97. Thanks – I’ll check with my hosting company.

    As for the extra space, I’m seeing it above where email address goes and below the Title – and it appears in both Firefox and v.6 and v.7 of IE — maybe you’re smarter than me and using a MAC – LOL…. Perhaps something got messed up by my consultant in some other customization, and I’ll just live with it.

    Thanks again – great plugin.

  98. Hi I checked with the hosting company and they couldn’t get it changed, and then some things got changed — possibly by me and it wasn’t working correctly so I deactivated it and deleted the files and then re FTPed them to the server and now the plugin doesn’t appear on the plugin listing (but the widget does)….. I’m afraid I’ve screwed something up major with this – any suggestions?

  99. DrMike2008,

    It looks like you’ve got things working again when I’ve just visited your site. I’d have been suggesting a re-upload of WordPress and Subscribe2.

  100. Thanks – unfortunately it all looks like it’s working but emails don’t go out to confirm subscriptions (although they do for new posts). I’ve had 2 so-called consultants try to fix this, but neither one could. As you suggest, I could try reinstalling WordPress and the plugins, etc., but I’m not sure how to not lose all my posts. (I could back-up and reload the MySQL database, but I’m afraid that might be where the problem is.)

    All of this is occupying too much of my time right now, so to either fix it or reinstall everything I’d like to find someone who can really help. Do you know anyone I can hire to help with this. Please feel free to email me directly – the contact email address is mdmiller (at)

    Thanks. Mike

  101. Mike,

    Uploading WordPress and Subscribe2 by FTP won’t affect your database at all so you won’t loose any posts. If you are happy to share your ftp details with me I can upload these files for you. Let me know.

  102. Hello,

    I am running wordpress v2.3.2, with subscribe2 v2.4.4, and have properly tested and configured Cimy Swift SMTP v1.1.2, php v4.4.7, I have also changed the 3 instances of @mail –> @wp_mail in order for it to work with the smtp override in the Cimy Swift plugin.

    After new subscriptions and trying to email subscribers I get hte following error…

    “Message failed to send to from Object”

    Any ideas where to start looking?

    Thanks for the plugin contribution,

    Ryan –

  103. Forgot to mention the address I get the error for is the admin address of the blog, emails to activate subscriptions are sent to new registrant but NOT to admin (see above error message).


  104. Ryan,

    It may be that your server is blocking the email die to filters to block spam.

    Some sites filter if the from address is the same as the reply to address – try removing some of the header information defined in the subscribe2 mail() function and see if you can get it working – especially as wp_mail() will construct the minimum needed.

  105. Hello, i am using the “once daily” option with the plugin and i had subscribe 2 of my email addresses to see if everything works ok, and i waited for 3 days and now email received, i thought there is something wrong with the plugin until i discovered the problem. on users>subscription > Notification Settings Receive daily summary of new posts? is by default No, i dont like this idea because i chosed to sent update once daily for my blog and the users trough the subscribe process they allready know for sure they want to receive my updates so i would like to set this by default to “yes” can you give me some instructions on how to do that ?

  106. edit of the above :
    Hello, i am using the “once daily” option with the plugin and i had subscribed 2 of my email addresses to see if everything works ok, and i waited for 3 days and no email received, i thought there is something wrong with the plugin until i discovered the problem. on users>subscription > Notification Settings Receive daily summary of new posts? is by default No, i don’t like this idea because i chose’d to sent update once daily for my blog and the users trough the subscribe process they already know for sure they want to receive my updates so i would like to set this by default to “yes” can you give me some instructions on how to do that ?

  107. Infamilie,

    If you have “Subscribe new users registering with your blog:” set to Automatically then the default on sign up will be set to ‘Yes’.

    If you want to subscribe existing registered subscribers then go to Manage->Subscribers and scroll to the bottom of the window. Check all categories, Ensure Subscribe is selected and click Submit.

  108. ok thank you, i’ve done so, now i will wait for the Next email notification time to pass and see if i receive it

  109. Hi, great plugin!

    I have some issues I would need help with, When a new user gets subscribed I receipt an Email with this message: “Ooops POP3 connect: Error [1084446928] []” and the subject: “wp-mail error” Anyone knows what’s happening here?
    I would love to fix this.

    Also I have translated the plugin to spanish so, I would like to know how can I share the translation.

  110. Alectro,

    Where exactly are you getting this error? POP3 is for incoming email, Subscribe2 sends emails – i.e. outgoing so I can’t imagine where this error is coming from.

  111. Hey, thanks for writing, I get this error when subscribe2 sends messages, then I get lots of emails with that error (“Ooops POP3 connect: Error [1084446928] []”)

    Maybe is a Dreamhost problem?

    Thanks, have a nice weekend.

    Ps, are you interested in the spanish translation of subscribe2?

  112. Hi I installed your plugin and got it working sending notification each time I added to the blog. When I ask for an email once a day I don’t receive anything.

    Checked with the host, 500 emails per hour limit, no blocked emails that he could see. Nothing in my spam folders. Only 6 users subscribed.

    Debug info

    Current Server time is: June 3, 2008 @ 8:13 pm

    Current Blog time is: June 3, 2008 @ 8:13 pm

    Current Blog offset is: 0

    Anytime after June 4, 2008 @ 1:14 am dbmanager_cron_optimize will execute
    Anytime after June 4, 2008 @ 4:00 pm s2_digest_cron will execute
    Anytime after June 9, 2008 @ 1:14 am dbmanager_cron_backup will execute

    Current Subscribe 2 Options are:

    [autosub] => wpreg
    [wpregdef] => yes
    [autoformat] => text
    [autosub_def] => yes
    [pages] => yes
    [password] => yes
    [private] => yes
    [email_freq] => daily
    [exclude] => 26,1
    [sender] => admin
    [reg_override] => 1
    [show_button] => 1
    [widget] => 1
    [barred] =>
    [mailtext] => BLOGNAME has posted a new item, \’TITLE\’


    You may view the latest post at

    You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are posted.
    Best regards,
    [confirm_email] => BLOGNAME has received a request to ACTION for this email address. To complete your request please click on the link below:


    If you did not request this, please feel free to disregard this notice!

    Thank you,
    [remind_email] => This email address was subscribed for notifications at BLOGNAME (BLOGLINK) but the subscription remains incomplete.

    If you wish to complete your subscription please click on the link below:


    If you do not wish to complete your subscription please ignore this email and your address will be removed from our database.

    [version] => 4.7
    [last_s2cron] => 2008-06-03 19:21:50

  113. Equinetr,

    The digest email function is set to execute on June 4th at 4pm your blog/server time. Leave things as they are until after that time and pay a visit to your site.

    For Cron events to execute they need to be scheduled and then after the scheduled time somebody needs to visit your site.

  114. Just installed 4.8 and it works fine.
    But how can I get the SEND Button in Line with the Enter e-mail Field?


  115. Barbara,

    I presume you want the SEND button on a new line – add a <br /> tag into the code where the form is defined. Currently line 75.

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